Like a soft, glowing lantern on a dark night, sometimes, we reach out to the universe for an open door, a signpost, or a nudge. In the form or a friend, a story, a song, or a poem, we seek a direction to follow a way to deal with the entanglements inside our hearts. Our stories are not linear, and fortunately or unfortunately, they’re not untethered from the rest of humanity.
Dear Jasmine is the space you can call upon to ask for nudges, signposts and open a door to whatever ails your heart, to find a space to rest.
Write to us with anything that plagues you and we will find a way to answer your questions with comfort and kindness. If you want a place to put your darkest thoughts and have them comforted, write to Jasmine. If you want to verbalise your confusion and seek someone who will make sense of it, write to Jasmine. If you simply want to scream into the void and know that someone is listening to you, write to Jasmine.
Fill out the Google form and be rest assured that your question is safe with us, and that you are allowed to be vulnerable. We have kept the submission anonymous by default, but if you’d like to send in your name, that is okay too. This is an attempt to tell our stories to each other and know that neither are you alone nor do you need to hold a heaviness in your chest. What if you want to share joy, you say? Send it in. We could all do with a little celebration now and then.
Come, join us in a building safe space for the questions we ask the universe and maybe on receiving a safe haven, they will be tempered and moulded into newer ways of living.
With love,